Week 5 - South Dakota & Minnesota

7/23/05 Another hard day for Bob. It was a 98 mile ride today. Bob was the first out on the road again and the last one in for the day. Although it wasn't as hot as it has been due to clouds, there was again a headwind. He says there is still lots of corn and soybean crops, but other crops are beginning to appear. He is in Northfield, Minesotta tonight, population 12,000. They are staying at a high school. Tomorrow is their day off for laundry and bike maintenance.

7/22/05 Bob is in Huntington, Minesotta tonight. It was a long, hot day with a stiff headwind which made the day even harder.

The group was invited to a preview of an Alice Chalmers tractor show. Bob says it was quite a show with many antique tractors.

7/21/05 Bobs day went fairly well today. He said it was hard riding this morning, with a strong headwind for the first 10 miles. But he hung in there, and rode through it. He was a little disappointed; he wanted to be the first rider to cross into Minnesota and he started out very early this morning. But the pros started passing him when he was within sight of the state line. He tried telling them that they had dropped money in the road, but they must know him well enough; they were not fooled!

Minesotta is known as the Land of 1000 Lakes, but Bob has seen more corn than lakes so far.

7/20/05 Bob had a good day today. They are riding through areas with more trees, rolling hills, wheat, corn and soybeans. Although there was wind, it was not as severe as yesterday. Last night there was a terrific thunderstorm at 2:00 am. They were staying at another school, but Bob had pitched his tent outside because of the heat in the gym. He made it inside after helping move packs and bikes inside, but in the morning, found his tent flattened and harboring about 20 gallons of water!

Part of the Cycle America agenda today was two stops at nursing homes. The residents look forward to their visit each year and like to see the bikes and hear about the trip. They provide the riders with free ice cream.

7/19/05 Tough day today. Only 78 miles, but strong cross and head winds, up to 40 mph. Bob says that a 10 or 12 mph wind makes riding very hard, unless at your back. Tomorrow is supposed to be windy again, but it is supposed to be less windy. All the riders were struggling with the wind today.

Many of the towns that Cycle America riders pass through anticipate the yearly group visit and greet them warmly. One community had news people there to cover their visit. One of the staff took the news person to meet Bob and they found Bob fast asleep. So, somewhere in the Heartland, there is a local paper published with a picture of Bob sleeping.

Bob is in De Smet, SD, the town where "Little House On The Prarrie" author, Laura Ingles was born. The program was based on her book. De Smet is also where "Dances With Wolves" was filmed.

7/18/05 Bob had a GREAT day today! They followed the Missouri River for much of todays ride. It was flat and less hot than it has been. It was a 90 mile day, and with a good tail wind, Bob averaged 25 MPH for the last 20 miles. He figures he is half way home now. They are in Miller, SD, the place where the Jesse James gang was stopped.

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